Friday, April 15, 2011


This past week in Sociology class we had a classmate and a guest speaker present a PowerPoint and give speeches and take questions. The topic was Homosexuality and Transgendered/Transsexual issues in today's world and how it effects high school students. Before the presentation my opinion on this issue was a little bit of uncertainty and i didn't really like the thought of a transgendered person. Walking out of class, i knew that my vies would be forever changed on the topic, and for the better. I realized that the reason i didn't like the idea of transgendered people and transsexual people was because i really didn't know anything about it. After hearing the presentation and hearing about all the stuff that homosexuals, male or female, and transgendered people have to go through i realized how unfair and mistreated, and really just how misunderstood they are. The are people who cant help but feeling the way they feel and they should be treated the same as anyone else, they are no different. Another point that was made was about how hurtful the word Faggot, and the casual use of the word Gay can be to people who actually are homosexual. In schools throughout the US the word faggot and gay are used so casually to describe people and things, and kids grow up thinking this is OK. I know...I was one of those kids. I have taken it upon myself never to use the word Faggot, and only use the word Gay when using it as the literal sense and never as a demeaning word. I wish that everyone could hear the stories of my classmate and her boyfriend that seriously changed my view on this topic forever. The quicker that people can get educated on this topic the better because i feel that most people don't know what to think because they are so misinformed. All, i guess, i can ask is that people reserve their judgements of Gay and Transgendered people until they become informed of what these people go through every day and how they feel.

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